Friday, November 25, 2011

Why Does a Huge Tit Attract Men

Its not only in the breasts that accumulate fat, it's the thighs, hips and buttocks as well. Breasts are also an advertisement of good genes, good health and age. A symmetrical breast denotes good health and high fertility. Women with symmetrical breasts are more likely to conceive than women with asymmetrical ones. Photoclubs .com is such an organization who will give you an idea as to what is exactly meant by Giant tits .It has in its website a huge collection of pictures showing models exhibiting their breasts. The sizes of those breasts are awesome and can easily titillate any human male. It's not just the breasts that are attractive; it's their faces as well. That's what makes those pictures a visual treat for the virile male animal.

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Female breast photography plays an important role in modern society. The female body image is used everywhere , whether it be an advertisement for detergent powder, or be it a giant hoarding on the highway , female body especially the upper portion of the body is a great eye catcher. The question is why men get attracted to big breasts .It has been seen that other male mammals get repelled buy the sight of big breasts which is an indication that the female animal is lactating and will give birth to off springs. However in case of human males, it's just the opposite. Human males get attracted to big symmetrical breasts. Nobody has a definitive answer to the question, as to why this happens. Evolutionary psychologists suggest that huge tits serve as a substitute to the swollen rumps that other female primates get when they are in heat. Others suggest that larger breasts are the sign of fertility. It's actually estrogen. Estrogen controls the fertility level.

One may wonder, what makes those beautiful ladies exhibit their breasts. Is it only for earning money or it has something to do with pride of showing ones assets which many females may not posses in such a pronounced manner. Summary: breast photography is a very popular form of photography. An obvious question is why is it so popular .Is is due to the natural attraction that a man feels towards breasts or is it for any other reason.

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